March is Social Work Month
(March 2025)
Celebrating National Children’s Dental Health Month
(February 2025)
Happy New Year, Caregivers!
(January 2025)
Happy Holidays!
(December 2024)
National Adoption Month
(November 2024)
October is Sudden Unexpected Infant Death Awareness Month
(October 2024)
Let’s Celebrate National Make a Difference to Children Month!
(July 2024)
June is National Reunification Month!
(June 2024)
May is National Foster Care Month!
(May 2024)
April is National Child Abuse Prevention Month!
(April 2024)
March is Social Work Month!
(March 2024)
Celebrating National Children's Mental Health Month
(February 2024)
Happy New Year, Caregivers!
(January 2024)
National Adoption Month: You can make a difference by helping to raise awareness!
(November 2023)
September is National Kinship Awareness Month
(September 2023)
August is Children’s Eye Health and Safety Month
(August 2023)
National Make a Difference to Children Month
(July 2023)
Support Reunification
(June 2023)
Thank You Foster Families!
(May 2023)
Together, we can prevent child abuse, Nevada, because childhood lasts a lifetime!
(April 2023)
Social Work Month
(March 2023)
Black History Month
(February 2023)
(January 2023)
(December 2022)
National Adoption Awareness Month: Small Steps Open Doors
(November 2022)
October is Sudden Unexpected Infant Death Awareness Month
(October 2022)
September is Suicide Prevention Awareness Month!
(September 2022)
August is Children’s Eye Health and Safety Awareness Month!
(August 2022)
May is National Foster Care Month
(May 2022)
April is National Child Abuse Prevention Month
(April 2022)
Self-care and Teen Mental Wellness
(March 2022)
Department of Family Services Strives to Help Youth Get Set for Life!
(February 2022)
Happy New Year, Caregivers!
(January 2022)
Happy Holidays to You!
(December 2021)
National Adoption Month: Congratulations to all our Forever Families
(November 2021)
Child Welfare Workforce Development Month: Let’s hear it for our DFS team!
(October 2021)
September is Kinship Care Month!
(September 2021)
August is National Wellness Month
(August 2021)
DFS Celebrates 2021 Graduates
(July 2021)
June is Reunification Month
(June 2021)
May is Foster Care Month
(May 2021)
Let's Go Blue National Child Abuse Prevention Month and Volunteer Appreciation Month
(April 2021)
March is Social Worker Month
(March 2021)
Happy Black History Month!
(February 2021)
Caregiver Survey
(January 2021)
Angel Tree Friendly Reminder
(December 2020)
National Adoption Month
(November 2020)
Important Caregiver Update
(October 2020)
Helping Your Child through the First Month of School
(September 2020)
Back to School Tips
(August 2020)
The Mason Rule
(July 2020)
The New Normal
(June 2020)
Virtual Information Sessions
(May 2020)
Thank You from the Department of Family Services Leadership Team!
(April 2020)
Spring Celebration Registration
(March 2020)
Together We Rise
(February 2020)
Count Me In To Be Inspired Event
(January 2020)
Count Me In To Be Inspired
(December 2019)
National Adoption Month!
(November 2019)
2019 Angel Tree Registration is OPEN!
(October 2019)
September is Kinship Care Month!
(September 2019)
The 2019-2020 School Year is Here!
(August 2019)
Back to School Party: Register Today!
(July 2019)
National Reunification Month
(June 2019)
National Foster Care Month
(May 2019)
Spring Celebration Registration!
(April 2019)
Spring Celebration Registration!
(March 2019)
Never Too Old for Family: Myths and Facts
(February 2019)
Looking Forward to 2019!
(January 2019)
Last Chance: Register for Angel Tree Celebration Today!
(December 2018)
National Adoption Month!
(November 2018)
Angel Tree Registration Opens 10/3!
(October 2018)
National Kinship Care Month
(September 2018)
Time to Go Back to School!
(August 2018)
It's That Time Again! Back to School Events!*
(July 2018)
National Reunification Month
(June 2018)
National Foster Care Month: Thank YOU!
(May 2018)
Pinwheels for Prevention...Putting Children First
(April 2018)
Spring Holiday Egg Hunt!
(March 2018)
QPI Annual Conference
(February 2018)
Many Thanks in the New Year
(January 2018)
Happy Holidays!
(December 2017)
Giving Thanks for the Bounty of Families
(November 2017)
Help us "Harvest" New Foster Homes
(October 2017)
(September 2017)
(August 2017)
44 High School Graduates
(July 2017)
1,072 Reunifications
(June 2017)
Honoring Those Who Make a Difference
(May 2017)
National Child Abuse Prevention Month: Pinwheels for Prevention® Campaign
(April 2017)
Trauma-Informed Parenting Part 3
(March 2017)
Trauma-Informed Parenting Part 2
(February 2017)
Trauma-Informed Parenting Part 1
(January 2017)
What's Going on This Month? Check the QPI Calendar
(December 2016)
National Adoption Month: #JustAskUs About Adoption
(November 2016)
Go Trick-or-Treating at Oct. 29 Halloween Carnival
(October 2016)
Back to School Events from CASA & DFS Provide Backpacks to 1,000+ Children in Care
(September 2016)
Time is Running Out to Register for Back to School, Back to Basics
Save the Date: Back to School, Back to Basics
(July 2016)
June is National Reunification Month
(June 2016)
May is National Foster Care Month
(May 2016)
April is National Child Abuse Prevention Month
(April 2016)
Fun for the Whole Family at the Spring Celebration & Foster Connection
(March 2016)
Smith Center Offering Discounts to Caregivers
(February 2016)
Angel Tree Celebration Delivers Gifts to More than 2,500 Children in Care
(January 2016)
Holiday Activities for the Whole Family
(December 2015)
Deadline Approaching for Angel Tree Celebration
(November 2015)
Halloween Events for the Whole Family
(October 2015)
DFS, Community Come Together to Get Back to School! Back to Basics!
(September 2015)
Today is the Last Day to Register for Back to School! Back to Basics!
(August 2015)
Save the Date: Back to School, Back to Basics Coming August 13th
(July 2015)
Caregivers, DFS Staff & Community Parnters Come Together for Passport for Partnership
(June 2015)
May is National Foster Care Month
(May 2015)
April is National Child Abuse Prevention Month
(April 2015)
Spring Celebration
(March 2015)
Spring Holiday Egg Hunt
(February 2015)
Foster Parent Champion Program: Making Caregivers' Lives Easier
(January 2015)
QPI's Don't Say 'No' Before You Know Series: Remember, It's a FAMILY Vacation
(November 2014)
QPI's Don't Say 'No' Before You Know Series: Respite: Where you Go, I Go!
(October 2014)
QPI has a New Look
(September 2014)
It's Back to School Time!
(August 2014)
Celebrating Family Reunification Month
(July 2014)
Nevada's Just in Time Training is a web based service program designed to connect foster parents, kinship or other caregivers with training, peer experts and other resources. Questions are answered and practical solutions to care for children are discussed - all from the comfort of your home or office.
If you have difficulty accessing any material on this site, please contact us in writing and we will work with you to make the information available. You can direct your request to