happy children

Washoe County HSA Contacts

Contacts for Resource Parents, Relative, Kins, or Adoptive Parents

Center Street Front Desk: 775.785.8600

Emergency After Hours Number: 1.833.900.7233
In case you have an emergency that occurs after hours, please call.

Family Engagement Center (FEC)
905 E Prater Way, Sparks, NV 89434
Corner of Prater and Howard

Medical Unit: 775.284.2763

Children’s Advocacy Center (CAC)
2097 Longley Lane, Reno, NV 89502
next door to Kids Kottage

Foster Care Services Front Desk: 775.337.4470

Foster Care Licensing Supervisor
Melissa Coates: 775.815.3827

Licensing team: Call or Text
Codi Soap: 775.842.1992
Barbara Jaime: 775.842.1704
Jessica Shepherd: 775.622.6919
Anastasia Cooper: 775.560.7773
Tracey Rodriguez: 775.737.8123

Placement Support (SPARK TEAM)
Supervisor:  Lindsey Prudden   Lprudden@washoecounty.gov
Sandra Espino sespino@washoecounty.gov
Heather Wenker hwenker@washoecounty.gov
Katie Proctor kproctor@washoecounty.gov
Jamie Pugh jpugh@washoecounty.gov
Katie Nichols knichols@washoecounty.gov

About Us

Nevada's Just in Time Training is a web based service program designed to connect foster parents, kinship or other caregivers with training, peer experts and other resources. Questions are answered and practical solutions to care for children are discussed - all from the comfort of your home or office.


If you have difficulty accessing any material on this site, please contact us in writing and we will work with you to make the information available. You can direct your request to JITSupport@USF.edu.

Nevada's Abuse Hotline

1-(833) 803-1183